Tackling Powercuts

Power cuts in India is a major problem particularly during summer when all homes use Air Conditioners and load shedding is effected. In villages for maintenance purpose one day in a month the electricity supply is shut down. Also during rains, the EB power supply is cut. Apart from this fuse blown/cable fire/transformer-repair also will greet you with longer power cuts of several days. In Industrial Areas like Noida you are not supposed to use the load from say 6 pm to 10 pm.

The Inverters available in India are transformer based with a poor efficiency around say 50% to 70% and use Lead Acid Batteries with maintenance issues like adding water and a small life time. These inverters can not run Air-conditioner and bore-well pump.

DR GSP LLP is providing a technology using transformerless high Efficiency Inverters and High Efficiency Lithium Batteries or Super Capacitors. With an investment of about Rs.2.5 lakhs you can store 10 kWh of Energy and use it during power cuts. You can use the Energy stored to run your Airconditioner up to 5 hours during power cut. For shops and Industries also tackling of the power cuts is very important. The typical size of the Energy Storage System is shown in the photo below.

Energy Storage System showing the Inverter and Lithium Battery

The Inverter is wall mounted and the Lithium Battery is not wall mounted. There is a signaling cable between the Inverter and the BMS of the Lithium Battery that uses either CAN signaling or RS485 signaling. The inverter is very intelligent and can be charged during specified time intervals (usually in the night).


The Price of the Energy Storage System will vary with the Storage capacity desired and the maximum output load power. A 10 kWh Lithium Battery storage with a maximum load power of 5 kW will cost around Rs.2.5 lakhs. For different capacities the price will vary and those who are interested may contact us on drpandiangs@gmail.com for the best quote.

For Single Phase systems the maximum storage capacity may be around 20kWh with maximum load power of 8000 Watts. For 3 phase systems the battery capacity can be about 120 kWh or more with a maximum load power of 60 kW or more.

Yes! You can connect solar panels of say 5000 Watts or more. There are 2 or more MPPT strings inputs available with a DC switch in the Inverter. There is a separate input to connect Diesel Generator set power also in to the Inverter system.

No. The battery will not be involved when Load output goes from the EB AC Supply. That means the life time of the battery will be very high as it will discharge only during power cuts on the AC side.

5 Years.

The Charging Efficiency is typically more than 95% and the Inverter Efficiency is more than 95% and the total charge-discharge efficiency is 0.95 x 0.95 = 0.9025 that is more than 90%.

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